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HIFI SEAN's Transformation From Indie Band The SOUP DRAGONS to Electronic Dance PRODUCER & DJ

Hifi Sean

1h 6m 25s
First published: February 2, 2023
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With Hifi Sean's and David McAlmont's album 'Happy Ending' just out, the time was ripe to upload a recent interview with the singer and songwriter of The Soup Dragons, long-turned DJ - Hifi Sean, and to interview one of the great vocalists of the current era - David McAlmont. (interview recorded 2023)

The Soup Dragons charted in Europe in 1990 with 'I'm Free', an indie dance cover of the Rolling Stones hit. Later, in 1992, their track 'Divine Thing' was a top 40 hit on the Billboard chart in America. After their first album, 'This is Our Art', the band developed their sound in a more dance and less indie direction.

Ten years after the band was founded in 1985, it disbanded. Sean Dickson came out as gay, an event that led to a breakdown. Later he formed The High Fidelity and. after DJ-ing already earlier in his life, became successful under the name HiFi Sean.

Hifi Sean's album Ft., which included tracks by Crystal Waters, Yoko Ono, Dave Ball, and Billie Ray Martin, contained Hifi Sean's first collaboration with David McAlmont. Their partnership flourished, and on the 3rd of Feb, 2023 they released their first album together - 'Happy Ending'.

Sean's story is fascinating, and he's able to relate the events in his life with a healthy distance, as someone who is now a happily married gay man.

And don't forget to watch the podcast with David McAlmont.

For all the latest on this podcast - connect with me on Instagram; steve.blame

For more on HiFi Sean check out his SoundCloud; https://soundcloud.com/hifi-sean

And thanks to POP; The History Makers' insanely wonderful talent booker: #ArchieCMichael

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